"I just read your blog post! I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO SHAVE MY HEAD!!!!! I've been obsessed with it since I saw Ani Difranco with her head shaved. A friend of mine (who shaved her head post-30, 42 actually) said that she could feel vibrations through her scalp in a way she couldn't explain. She also said she got cold, people thought she had cancer and she felt really vulnerable all the time. I do love your hair, very much, but think what you're doing is awesome, and it will grow back (if you want it to). I know what mean about being defined by your hair. To a lesser extent then you, my hair has always been my defining feature. Hair stylists, people on the street, friends and family always talk about how great my hair is because it's naturally straight and has multi-tonal color blah blah blah. So, I feel ya. I say: Fly your bald rebel flag. Fly it high."
This just occurred to me: is saying "my" Facebook the technological equivalent of saying I'm going to "the" Wal-Mart or over to "the" Kroger?