Monday, January 25, 2010

Biggest Fear

So, I can easily choose one single Biggest Fear in this project. I haven't vocalized it to this point because I'm _that_ concerned about it. It has threatened to end this entire experiment before it even happens. So, what should one do when dealing with one's Biggest Fear? Go to the internet of course.

And I did.

And I found NOTHING.

At least nothing related to shaving one's head.

*Tugs collar awkwardly*

So, anyway, I took the next step. I posted in a forum. Here was my question:

"So, I've decided to shave my head as an experiment. I've always wondered how I'd look and my curiosity has reached unignorable proportions. I'm not worried about it looking bad (seriously, it probably will: that's what wigs are for). I'm not worried about social stigma (I've done worse). The thing that really, really concerns me is: will it grow back the same? I truly love my hair. I love being a curly girl. It's an identity I'm proud to call mine. I would hate to ruin my hair to sate curiosity. Is there a chance that it can grow back straight? I've found very little on the internet one way or another and I would really like to ease this fear. Oh, and I should probably add that I'm a 3b.

Thanks all!"

3b is a hair type, pervs.

I've gotten a couple responses so far and they're comforting, but I'm still waiting on some more before I'm fully Big Fear Free. Do any of you know about this?

In other news, I'm getting impatient and almost cut it off last night.



  1. Fear Not:

  2. I noticed no change in my hair, and i've cut it off, dyed it, dyed the crap out of it, and then regrown it in a cycle over the years.

  3. When I first shaved my head, I had these vague hopes I would suddenly become a brunette. No such luck, though - four head shavings later, and I'm still a blond(e).

  4. To my knowledge the only way your hair will change is if you kill it. For example having kemo therapy. Kari if you remember after V had his kemo his hair grew back curly. I myself have shaved my head more times in my lif than I can count and it still comes back the same straight thin hair.

